With the cost of living increasing and increasing we all could do with some extra pennies left in the bank at the end of the month. With rising prices and wages staying stagnant this is becoming harder and harder to achieve. One of the ways we can achieve this is by looking at our monthly outgoings. Some things we have no real control over like mortgage/rent or council tax. However, there are some monthly bills we can be proactive in reducing and our energy costs is one of them. Reducing the amount of energy your home uses also helps the climate by reducing your carbon footprint which is essential for us of us to do.
Here are 10 simple tips to save energy this winter.
Insulate Your Loft
As well as insulating your loft remember over time the insulation will compact and won’t be as effective. Check that there is the correct thickness of insulation still there to help save costs. Also make sure an loft hatch is insulated around the door just like you would with your external house doors.
Only Heat The Rooms You Are Using
Heating the whole of your house can be expensive. Where possible, turn off or at least turn down the radiators in rooms you are not using and only heat the rooms you spend the most time in. Remember to keep the doors closed too
Uus LED Lights
Replace any old incandescent or halogen light bulbs with new energy efficient bulbs. Not only do energy efficient bulbs save power they also last longer. Recent technology has seen the modern LED bulbs being just as bright as the old incandescent bulbs and sometimes even brighter. I’ve seen 150w bulbs on sale in the supermarkets.
Wear More Layers Of Clothing & Close Your Curtains
I must admit I am so guilty of this. Walking around in short sleeves and turning the heating up. Where possible try to dress in multiple layers. Wearing more jumpers, socks and slippers around the house and putting an extra blanket on the bed means you won’t be tempted to turn the heating up. As silly as it seems by shutting doors especially rooms you aren’t heating (see below) and closing your curtains you will help keep heat in your property and the cold out.
Don’t Leave Electrical Items On Standby
I surly can’t be alone in getting in to the habit of forgetting to switch chargers off when they have charged a particular gadget. Modern life see so many gadgets that need to be charged and quite often we don’t switch the plug off when finished. Did you know your phone charger is still using energy even when your phone is not attached? Up to 10% of your electricity could be saved by turning off plugs or not leaving items on standby. To me this is one of the easiest tips to save energy that everyone can implement in their home.
Run Your Fridge Efficiently
Your fridge is always on which makes it one of the most expensive appliances in the home. Make sure the door seal is tight and free from gaps so cold air can’t escape. An ideal fridge temperature is 4 or 5 degrees. If you have a second fridge or freezer, only turn it on when you need it.
Turn The Thermostat Down
Over the winter your heating bill can account for over 30% of total energy costs for the year. By setting your thermostat higher than 20 degrees will increase your energy costs by 10% for every extra degree you turn the thermometer up. This is one of the tips to save energy that you could quite easily implement without too much effort. If you get a little chilly you can always pop on another layer of clothes or some fluffy socks.
Use Your Oven wisely
When using your oven, bake a few meals at a time to get the most out of having your oven on and freeze some for later. This will also save money as you won’t be running a half empty freezer. Another tip is to leave the oven door open after you have finished cooking to heat heat the kitchen. It may not be much heat but if it means you can turn the thermostat or kitchen radiators down it all helps.
Wash Your Clothes At A Lower Temperature
It is estimated that 90% of a washing machine’s energy is spent on heating the water. Too often we wash our clothes at 60 degrees or even higher but with modern washing powders and machines there isn’t always the need to do this. If you wash your clothes at 30-40 °C you will be saving significant amounts of money.
Do you do any of these things? Have you any other tips to save energy?
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