[AD] Who doesn’t love a good cuppa? Not only is drinking tea rather enjoyable, tea has also been studied to understand its health benefits. Certain teas contain antioxidants – rich with healthy anti-aging properties – and tea contains less caffeine than coffee, which makes it a great – and natural – alternative.
While the benefits of drinking tea for overall health is more widely known, the benefits of using tea for beauty is also becoming more understood.
Here are some of the beauty-ful benefits of tea:
Drinking Tea For Healthy Skin And Hair
Most obviously, you can reap many health benefits just by drinking tea. There are many different types of teas and they all serve a different purpose. Some are formulated to promote glowing skin and hair. Hibiscus tea is rich in antioxidants which help fight free radicals and encourage skin elasticity. Of course, tea won’t reverse signs of aging that are already there. For that, you’ll need a facelift! And there’s no shame in that. If you’re trying to feel your best, why not look your best, too? Green tea is hydrating and detoxing. White tea is used in a number of beauty products for its anti-aging proper-teas.
Using Tea Bags And Leaves For Skin Health
Not only can you drink tea for its health benefits, you can also use tea on your body. You know about cucumber’s ability to reduce eye puffiness, well tea bags do the same! The caffeine and tannins in tea help de-puff eyes and reduce dark circles. Simply soak two teabags in cold water and let them sit over your eyes for 5-10 minutes. Just make sure you aren’t using tea with spices like peppermint or chai that may sting your eyes! The astringent properties of tea also make it a great facial toner. Just wipe a wet tea bags over your face and then wipe with a towel. Rooibos tea can be used as a hydrating mist when stored in a spray bottle in the fridge. You can re-use the leaves in used tea bags as a facial scrub. Just let the tea bag dry out and cut it open. Run the leaves over your face and then rinse.
Overall Health Benefits
Tea has so many health benefits in addition to promoting beauty. Drinking tea helps keep you hydrated (compared to coffee). Tea is anti-inflammatory and is 100 times more potent than the antioxidant power of vitamin C. The polyphenols in black, oolong, and green tea have all been shown to promote metabolism health as well. Two antioxidants found in green tea – catechins and polyphenols – help to combat acne and aging.
Not only is tea more hydrating than coffee, it won’t leave you feeling all jittery. Tea can also reduce your risk of certain chronic diseases.
So the next time you feel like drinking coffee, consider enjoying a cup of tea instead and remember all these amazing benefits that come with it.
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