Early last year I wrote about 25 things I had learnt in life. Over the past 21 months so much has happened in life and I can honestly say there is so much more that I have learnt.
- The number of friends you have doesn’t matter. It is the quality of the friends you have that counts.
- There is no such thing as drinking too much tea.
- Keeping plants alive is hard.
- Sometimes it’s necessary to swallow your pride and ask for help.
- Nothing ever happens if you stay in your comfort zone.
- There is no greater feeling than going on an adventure with those you love.
- Worrying about things out of your control serves no purpose at all.
- Cooking your favourite food can be so theraputic.
- Hard work pays off.
- Painting the nails on your right hand neatly is far harder than it looks.
- Life won’t always go to plan.
- I don’t care what you think… Tea solves everything.It’s ok to not be ok.
- Always wear comfortable shoes.
- Don’t surround yourself with negative people. Remove people from your life who drain your spirits.
- Remember so many people only post happy perfect posts on social media. Don’t compare your inside to someone else’s outside.
- You never need someone else’s permission to live your own life the way you want to.
- Self love is the greatest medicine.
- Learn to love yourself enough to feed your soul with whatever your heart desires
- A chat with your bestie solves everything.
- Stop overthinking things and just do it.
- Always be proud of your achievements but never arrogant.
- Achieveable to do lists are the best motivator.
- Learn something new out of every situation you find yourself in.
- You spend the majority of your life working so do what you love and love what you do.
- Always believe in yourself! You are capable of so much more than you think.
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