I don’t think I can quite believe that 2018 is over. In some ways for me it has gone quite slowly but then it also seems to have flown by. There have been up and some down, then some very down points but I’ve come out the other side. I topped a few years ago making New Years Resolutions as to be honest they never really came to much. Instead I set realistic goals that I hoped to achieve.
I sat down and decided what I actually wanted to do with my life, where I wanted to be in 1 years, 5 years, 10 years and at retirement. Then broke each oif these dreams down in to mini goals or actions and planned to work on them. The last 2 years I have certainkly made an impact but as life through obsticales at me I’ve done some tweaking here and there. The main factor for me has been my health and I know this is totally out of my control and has meant some of the goals I was working on have needed to be changed slightly or the time frame extended. I’ve realised you just need to go with the flow!
With 2019 rather suddenly here, I have looked once again at things I would like to do and with friends we have come up wih a list of 52 things we would like to do in 2019. I hope this this will give you some inspiration for adventures you can have.
- Write a handwritten note and post it to someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while.
- Take a self care staycation
- Take a bus or train to a town, village or city that you’ve never visited and spend the day exploring
- Learn meditation, yoga, Pilates or something new that you’ve never tried before
- Spend a whole day in bed watching movies, reading books and snuggling with a loved one.
- Learn first aid and CPR
- Sign up for a class to learn something new and meet other people who live in your area at the same time.
- Forgive someone who has hurt you.
- Compliment a stranger.
- Read an old classic. Choose one that’s always caught your attention and be patient if you don’t get into it straight away.
- Go to a museum, the cinema or a restaurant alone. Enjoy your own company.
- Bake cookies and share them at work, when visiting friends or give them to a neighbour that may be on their own.
- Make your own birthday, anniversary, valentines or celebration cards.
- Go mountain climbing, hiking, or a long forest walk.
- Eat lunch outdoors, pack a picnic, sit by a river, the sea, go to a local park or lay out a blanket in the garden.
- Roller skate.
- Let someone else order for you in a restaurant.
- Cook a meal that you wouldn’t normally try.
- Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
- Shop locally and eat foods in season
- Invent your own cocktail, purchase your favourite ingredients and try out something new.
- Play a board game with friends or family.
- Make homemade bread.
- Switch off all phones, laptops and technology devices. Find different ways to communicate with those close to us and spend quality time with yourself or with others.
- Have a major clear out.
- Write your will.
- If you are able to donate blood.
- Take your camera with you for a whole day and capture everything and anything that takes your interest.
- Attend a food festival.
- Take an unplanned road trip
- Try a new look
- Write a list of everything we appreciate.
- Watch a sunset, sunrise or both. Find a spot with a good view and settle down with a friend or loved one and enjoy.
- Write down your life plan. It doesn’t have to be specific, or even achievable. Just a guide for all the things you would like to do and then you can tick and cross off the ones that you want to work towards.
- Take time out to let those around you know they are loved. Call up, write letters, visit and send the message out strong and clear to those that are most important to you.
- Go stargazing
- Take a class and learn something new
- Print out some of your favourite photos on your phone and pop them in a frame
- Read again a book you read in school smd this time enjoy it
- Work your way through a cookbook and cook every recipe
- Take some time out to meditate
- Sign up for the donar organ register and make your wishes known to close ones.
- Face a fear of yours head on
- Watch a classic film like Casablanca, The Godfather or The Wizard of Oz.
- Visit a local museum or art gallery and view their latest exhibition.
- Be a tourist in your own town
- Have an indoor picnic
- Make popcorn
- Take up a new hobby
- Binge watch your favourite TV show
- Find closure on past unhappiness
- Treat yourself to afternoon tea
Some of this things on this list I am hoping to do in 2019 but I know that some of them will be difficult to do. What do you plan on doing in 2019?
Mike says
Try a new look is a must to do…..
Make a time to meditate seem more useful for me….happy new years!!!!!!
Sarah MumofThree World says
Some great, achievable suggestions and definitely some I would like to try. Here’s to a healthier 2019 for you and I really hope you get the chance to try some of these.
Hannah says
This is a lovely list! I’m taking yoga back up this year and I also want to travel somewhere new either within Europe or Africa. I’d also like to focus on making lots of new recipes as cooking is such relaxation for me.