[AD] Are you adapting to a work from home business model? While there are benefits to this, you do need to watch out for a certain set of health issues.
Have you heard of RSI? This is actually the most common work-related injury in the US today. RSI refers to repetitive strain injury. It is caused by typing for long periods at a computer, usually with the wrong posture. There is a range of articles that you can access online which will talk you through how to sit correctly at a computer. You should also make sure that you are taking breaks roughly every twenty minutes. You just need a five-minute break to stave off the impact of RSI.
It’s also worth thinking about investing in some ergonomic furniture. While expensive, this is going to do wonders for the issues caused here. It could help ensure that you never suffer from the impact of RSI and that you always keep your health in check. The main thing is to be careful about where you work when operating from home. There is a temptation to work anywhere, including in your bed through the morning. This is definitely going to leave you vulnerable to issues like RSI.
Anxiety And Depression
People often assume that working from home is going to cause you fewer stress and anxiety. After all, you won’t have to worry about the Monday morning commute and you won’t have your boss constantly breathing down your neck. Despite this, many people do find that they develop issues with both conditions when they are working from home. Why is this? Well, it’s mainly due to the isolation. However, it could also be the fact that you are actually not getting enough fresh air through the day and you might even see a notable change to your diet or exercise. You could be staying in bed for longer periods too and you might get too used to being away from people. This could trigger anxiety when you do have to socialize.
There are lots of options to explore here from lifestyle changes to exploring alternative medical treatments. You can reduce your anxiety with CBD oil and this is often very popular with people who are working from home. It grants them the relief that they are searching for.
When you work from home, it’s possible to develop insomnia. If you’ve never experienced this before, it’s where you go for long periods of time without sleeping and it can cause a lot of issues with your health. When you work from home, you’re not going to be on the same strict schedule that you would be on if you were attending an office every day. This means that your body clock is going to go out of sync, and your sleeping pattern could become irregular. If this happens, you’ll find yourself staying up later and later, until the point where you’re not sleeping for 24 hours. It then continues to develop and gets worse.
To avoid this, you want to try and set up a strict routine of when you go to sleep and when you wake up. This will help to keep your internal clock working as it should and avoid you developing an issue such as insomnia. If you struggle to get yourself into a sleeping pattern at first, try to find some ways to induce sleep.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Another thing that you need to watch out for is vitamin D deficiency. Now, most people get a lot of their vitamin D from the sun which, obviously, you need to go outside for. But, when you work from home you might not be able to spend as much time outside as you would like to. If you start to notice any symptoms such as weakness, muscle aches or cramps, fatigue, bone pain or drastic mood changes, these could all be signs of this issue. Get checked out by a doctor if you think you’re vitamin D deficient, otherwise, you could end up with issues such as osteoporosis and even fractures or broken bones if you aren’t careful.
If you want to get around this, then there are certain foods that are high in vitamin D. Red meats, egg yolks and others can help give you the right amount. Or, your local pharmacy likely carries vitamin D supplements that you can take instead.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now know 4 of the health issues that you should look out for if you work at home. Stay vigilant when it comes to your health and you should be able to avoid anything serious.
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