First, let me start with something I do like; Pretty flowers and as every post should have a picture, we’ll have a picture of some pretty flowers.
I’m pretty laid back until I’m really pushed. I usually just take things in my stride or may have a little under the breath rant but normally move on unless it’s something I’m passionate about. These are eleven things I really struggle to turn away from:
1. Lies
I hate people who tell lies. There are no need. Lies hurt people and in the end benefit nobody. They also wreak lives and often mean the trust in you had in someone can never be regained. It’s sad, when people have to resort to lies.
2. Spitting
It’s a very filthy habit and I see no place in a modern society for it.
3. Litter Dropping
Simply find a bin or take it home. There’s just no need for it.
4. Know It Alls
I hate when people think they know what is best for me. I think it’s very difficult for anybody to have walked in exactly the same shoes as another. Yes, you may have had similar experiences but there is usually something that differentiates you. Often, this advices is given without being asked for. Why? Why do people feel the need to do that? Tell another what they should do without being asked?
5. The Media’s Influence
Why does the media feel the need to tell us what we should do. Tell us what we should feel. Then criticise us when we don’t conform to what the Media dictates is right. I am a firm believer in being my own person. I don’t want to be like everyone else. Is that so wrong?
6. Bad Manners
Quite simply there is no need.
7. Doctors Surgery Receptionists
Are they a different breed of person to the rest of us? Having said that the ones at my new surgery seem quite nice and very helpful.
8. Supermarket Self Checkouts
Do I need to say anything? One of the worst things ever invented.
9. Add On Sales
I’m an adult. If I wanted to buy something extra I’d have picked it up. I just despise pushy sales people.
10. Old People At Bus Stops
Have they never heard of queuing? Have they never heard of a little extra traffic and sometimes a bus is late? Why do they get so worked up about it? I just don’t understand how they suddenly turn in to strange creatures I vessel with the time keeping of a bus.
11. People Who Put The Toilet Roll On Wrong
I’ve left the worst crime of all until last. the paper goes over the top!
What things don’t you like? Do you agree with my list or would you pick other things?
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